Why do i blog??
I used to write a lot in my diary(i still do),random stuff about things that disturb or inspire or touch me or,get me worked up,then came Abbu(my boy Abdallah),then came Facebook into my life,met friends,had to let them know about all the stuff Abbu says,some witty,some sweet...then came a thought,of keeping tabs on what Abbu says and he says lots,started writing all he used to say in a notebook,thought i'll keep the book for him to see and for us to relive memories when he grows up,then a friend suggested blogging and that got me thinking that i could have a personal blog where i could put up my thoughts,my poems,Abbu's words,for all to see and mostly for Abbu,so that he'll have this if and when i'm not around,to learn about his Dad and me,our stories,my past,Abbu's childhood,what he meant to us,the things that we did and that happened to us and what it was like growing up and old together and also maybe show his kids,if blogger survives the times,that is.So,here i am,blogging,most of all for Abbu.
Today i was told a beautiful story by Abbu when i asked him what he was playing with his fingers,it's such a beautiful story that i asked him a hundred times if he came up with it and he said Yes,everytime.Here goes the story
'Everyone's Special'
One day the thumb of Abbu's right hand gloats to the other fingers "I'm special because without me it's impossible to hold anything".
The index finger disagrees and says "I'm special,because i'm wise,i point at things".
The middle finger interrupts saying "I'm special because i'm the tallest and i'm in the center".
The ring finger also has to say,so it says "I'm special because all people wear their special rings on me".
The pinky,not one to be quiet says "I'm special because i'm the one people need in emergencies,i'm shown when people want to go to the washroom and also to unfriend people by saying 'Kutiff', * so".
Abbu's left hand hears this and interrupts to stop the argument which seems to be getting noisier by saying "Everyone's special,in their own way,so stop arguing and start behaving like one family", and the fingers of the right hand obey and make peace. -Abdallah.
The End.
* In India the little finger is shown when one wants to go to the washroom,to pee, also when two friends have an argument they show each other the little finger and say "kutiff' meaning "i will not be speaking to you",this could last a while or end soon,mostly kids use the little finger in these cases.*
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