Friday, August 28, 2015

Life (a poem)

I witnessed another side of you
my mind blew   you didn't give me a clue
is there anything I don't know about you
or is it that I know nothing about you
I'm devastated you didn't think me fit
to let me into that side of you   I feel stupid
of you I don't know even the basic
about you all's unclear   all's hazy
fog and mist surround    can't see the next step
disappointed I am enough   running behind you is leap of faith
still recovering from the fact that I  was completely outoffocus
such a dud   didn't know life you could be so bogus
  -Seema Tabassum(me)

Picture courtesy:
but I edit the pictures to suit the theme 

Life is a mystery   unfolds everyday   everyday a new facet   several aspects   some disappoint    some bring joy   can never be sure   of the next step   well   that is life

©Seema Tabassum 2015
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All righs reserved

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My Superstar (a poem)

This song is for you Honey,my Superstar you.Perfect for you,the poem too.

My Superstar

Stardust from you shines so bright
sparkle you with the light
that you possess inside
allure and entice
stardust from you dazzles my eyes

When projected on me reflections of you
make me look outstandingly beautiful
fortunate me that I get to touch you
the name of you
is enough to light me up through and through

Beautifully imperfect you
perfectly beautiful you
you the words in my mind but I write for you
everyday shine and light my world you
with sparkling dazzling stardust from you
  -Seema Tabassum(me)

Happy Birthday Honey,may we celebrate the rest of our years with the same enthusiasm and chaos as this,loved every minute spent with you.You the colours of my life,when I recall I only remember laughters,millions of laughters.Sorry for being stupid about everything and thank you for tolerating my eccentricity.Love you loads,love you immense,wouldn't want this journey with anybody else.Love you.

©Seema Tabassum 2015
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved
The video is courtesy youtube,I claim no rights,just borrowed.Thank you.

Date Seven : Monday 24th August 2015 #lovepoem

Date Seven,yes we did really manage to go on a date everyday for a week,unbelievable,we almost crawled our way through it,but that's okay as long as we get to eat dessert..heehee.We don't celebrate on the actual birthday so we did go out with Abbu for this last family date.We had a good time except Abbu acts really smart when he's with his Dada,but I chose to ignore that.I have all the time in the world to tackle him once we're done with this.Now don't the desserts look yummy,white chocolate something(I forgot),chocolate fudge and Mango panacotta,this was the best.
This past week was fun,chaotic,hectic,everyday a blogpost is a massive feat for me because I do that on a phone,have yet to buy a computer,whenever I am about to,something else comes up which demands priority and my computer is further pushed away, it is pretty tough blogging on a phone,I can say without a doubt that it's only me who does this,perseverance at it's height,I didn't know I had so much patience before I started blogging.I also believe in self praise and patting my own back because I persevere without a frown and everyone assumes it's effortless,I make it look easy.So yes I clap for myself and take a bow myself and thank myself for clapping for me.I very much am crazy,I never said otherwise,never denied.
The whole concept of making this special would be incomplete without a suitable gift and gift I did.Taher and I are not those clingy couples who shop together and frankly with Taher it's difficult,he'll wear a certain fit and might never choose that fit again,so I never gift him anything,this year I was going to gift him a G-shock watch because the one he had broke but since the minute he saw this new Samsung S6 edge phone he's been going on about how sleek it looks and how he wants it bad.I had saved money,ofcourse his money which he gives me as pocket money,I had saved a year's and had enough to pay half of the mobile's /cell's money and he was mighty surprised when I gave him the huge amount,he added the other half and bought his favourite Samsung S6 edge,ofcourse he went and bought it himself,offered me to go with him but I know that he'll select only what he likes,so I decined.In all, I'd like to think that I made it really special for him with this as icing on the cake.I had fun recalling the past and my life is a series of unbelievable and I am glad to be able to share with all,just incase someone is standing where I was ages ago hoping for a miracle to happen.I through my story would want to be able to bring some hope and magic to someone's life.Thank you for being a part of this by playing the biggest part,the reader without whom all this would be incomplete.Though I started this only for Abbu but along this journey have made some incredible friends,this was for all my friends old and new,real and virtual with whom I wanted to share my story.Thank you for your time and patience.God bless.
I wrote a poem for Taher a few weeks ago when he returned home after work,I was so happy to see him that this just flowed,aptly titled 

My Hero

I just saw you
and it was beautiful
your name has magic
you know the trick
to brighten my night
bring a smile
infact a mile wide
my day is fruitful
now that I saw you my beautiful
my hero
so thorough
your craft
you just waft
your fragrance
pulls me your presence
you the best
not perfect
just best
you know the rest
do you want me to spend the night
singing praises   I just might
if you want me to
I will gladly do
for now I will end here
hope I made clear
of the fact that your name is enough
to crack even the toughest tough
heart   please do remember
how your magic works and I surrender
no struggle for me   to surrender
only surrender   absolute surrender
to you I surrender
I give up I surrender
you the lead  the hero
and I blindly follow
-Seema Tabassum(me)

©Seema Tabassum 2015
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Date Six : Sunday 23rd August 2015 #lovepoem

Sixth date,I cannot believe we are doing this,felt impossible but we are,taking a toll it is and Taher cannot wait for this to end,says it's his birthday but I am enjoying,true in a sense.This day being Sunday Abbu was with us,Sundays are even more busier for Taher so we had South Indian food for brunch,not far from my place,so it was feasible but Taher was constantly looking at his watch and the darn phone wouldn't stop ringing.Now Taher here is so used to being aloof that this must be feeling like a pain in the neck.Aloof because my poor husband gets no time to spend with us,his business requires him to work seven days a week.Taher takes a holiday only twice a year,that is on Eid,festivals of Islam.So I do pretty much everything in my house,grocery shopping,picking up and dropping Abbu at school,his projects I do,ofcourse cook,clean,laundry,though in India we can hire maids,I refuse to have one more person intruding my space,besides I have trust issues,I have this notion that no one does anything perfect like me,and these people make no effort to prove me wrong,so I do all that,then my blog,and the Hall of Poets(moderator in a poetic community online),and Abbu's entertainment,me,dessert dates me,movie dates Taher though,sometimes I tag along,weekly date with my mother,it's all jam packed,so basically I'm running my house and Taher the source that funds this organised chaos that my house is,everything runs smoothly till we have to take out time for something else,even weddings are a burden and so many because Taher's family is not a family,a gigantic clan,very close to each other,Taher lived in a joint family for 21years with four uncles and aunts,twenty one cousins,makes me dizzy even thinking about the noise.
Now that could be a boon and a bane,I am from a nuclear family for most part,so cannot understand why anybody would live in a joint family,I cannot fathom having another kid just thinking of the noise Abbu and the little one will make,I can live without hearing a single sound for ages,I like listening to myself I guess.
So,when we wanted to get married it was a big deal,a thunder lightning struck Taher's house,because a)in India even today love marriages are rare and looked down upon,joint families all the more hard to get consent from and b)no one knew anything about me because I was in Japan,no way they could accept someone who they didn't even see,oh the trouble,the heartache,the dilemma for Taher,and my mother gave me no respite either,but I had to deal with only Mom,my brother was little to even question.On Taher's side only his Mom trusted his choice and we had no choice but to get married with only his mother's consent,Taher is the youngest of five brothers and after Taher's father's demise when Taher was only 14 years old,his eldest brother who is ten years older than Taher became the head of the house and Taher could never even utter a word to his brother,it was only after a year did he muster courage to tell his brother about our marriage,I somehow after much begging and after much crying from my mother convinced her to trust my choice,much drama our marriage created,and sent shockwaves in Taher's household.When I came to India carrying Abbu in me,we were already three years into marriage and I was received warmly by Taher's family,though we don't live in a joint family we are always meeting,Taher's brothers live in the same building as us and I have to say they changed my perception of them,never intrude our space,always call before coming which is also only twice a year,rest of the time Abbu and I go visit them from time to time,I feel proud of Taher's family too,all gentlemen,his brothers give me loads of respect for how I manage my house and how I place no burden on Taher,my eyes well up just thinking how much love Taher's nephews and brothers shower me with,special mention to my eldest sis-in-law(Taher's brother's wife) who treats me like her sister,warmly and shows me love she reserves only for some.Pretty much the fairy tale it turned out to be,Taher and my story and Abbu is the gift that completes this story.And here on my Mom's side,my gosh,Taher is the son and I the daughter-in-law,my mother loves Taher more than she loves me and thinks that Taher doesn't deserve a lunatic like me,Taher meanwhile loves the love my mother has for him and is very much her son now,especially because Taher lost his mother just a fortnight after Abbu was born and he couldn't even be beside her in her last days,in my mother he sees his and that leaves me in a really cold place except for Taher's warmth,poor guy he takes my side when my mother shouts at me if I get carried away,Taher is the balance in my life,keeps pulling me back from my obsessive compulsive world,reminds me of what needs to be done,prevents me from getting sucked up into my own world,I need Taher to keep me functioning but he also lets me be,somedays I am left alone all to myself to bring back some sanity to me ..yes pretty much equal contribution from both of us,I work on my house,he works on what needs repairing in me,MashaAllah I cannot be thankful enough to Allah,for I am blessed.Our life has seen a lot of struggle but nothing we cannot get over together.InshaAllah.

I am bound forever with this 'one in the whole world guy' and I love that,I love to belong to him,I consider myself fortunate.So here's a poem that says exactly that.

Bind Me With Your Love

Free but yearn to be cuffed
love but not enough
soar not I want to
tie me up  never undo
I like drowning
in this love that I have within
it knows not how else to show
so bind me and never let go
submit to you I do
don't mind surrender if it is you
desire the pain that love brings
pain of love   always bliss
though the thorns prick and love stings
I'll relive the moment thousand times if you it brings
pain  love  soul's struggle
all come with this sweet trouble
trouble that is you
forget nothing I want to
torture my soul with your love  please know
if you promise you won't leave  I will endure
please never let go
I'm depending on you to show
the love  and I'm on the edge
so please take a vow,to me you pledge
you'll never leave me never
tie me up forever
love me forevernore
bind me with your love  never let go
-Seema Tabassum(me)

©Seema Tabassum 2015
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Date Five : Saturday 22nd August 2015 #lovepoem

Fifth date,Saturday Abbu is home so we three headed out for snack,since it was only 11 a.m,Taher has time only till noon or if stretched till 1p.m so all our dates,always are early morning dates,somedays we drop Abbu at school and have breakfast some place,and head back home.As for what we eat,not much choice nowadays,we have stopped eating at any international fast-food chain,we used to occasionally have a burger or pizza,but MacDonald's,KFC,Pizza Hut and Domino's we never visit now because it has come to light that these chains don't necessarily serve Halal food.So we are left with our good old Indian fare.Saturday we had 'dabeli' Indian vegetarian burger.It has potato in it,quite good,we like.
In Japan Taher and I used to have lunch at an Italian restaurant named 'Rubicone' and the lasagna the husband-wife duo served was other-worldly.The other day I was telling you how we quit work when we met,now I'll tell you why.
We met the first time and Tokyo was far from where I lived,had to wait till the weekend to meet again,now the second time we roamed the streets of Shinjuku all night,then the first train back home halted at the platform,I didn't want to go back home,away from Taher,so he offered to come with me on the ride for company,said he'll see me off at my station/destination.Those three hours we spent were not enough too,then finally when it was time for me to get down I offered to give Taher company on his ride to Tokyo and I am not bluffing or exagerrating,we spent that Sunday on the train,back and forth from my town to Tokyo from Tokyo to my town,in circles,like crazy and finally the last train dropped us off at a station in Tokyo,the next morning the same thing continued and we were spending all our time on trains,we'd make a point to have lunch at this place I mentioned above,it was my favourite place in my town,Taher fell in love with the food too and we had lunch there everyday,the owners of that restaurant became good friends with us,I called them even after I returned to India.So,I was saying that we used to get down at the station,head to this place almost fifteen minutes of walking through wheat fields,and this was October so not very cold yet,perfect it was,the train rides,the walks,the food,the weather,now when I recall it feels like a dream,we did this crazy thing till we both ran out of money,Taher had quit work to be with me,I was fired for not showing up at work for weeks now and the savings we had,frankly I had very little,were all finished and we were jolted back to reality,a harsh one though.So isn't that crazy,we were crazy,crazy in love.
Sometimes I wonder if I remember right ,if it's my mind's fabrication but Taher reassures me that it's not,if someone told me this story about their life I'd never believe because it is hard to believe that we could be so mesmerised,spell bound by each other,but it's true,that craziness is not super crazy anymore but it shows up from time to time especially flares up when the moon is full...heehee...more later..
Taher was very much my Peace Taker,I didn't know peace till after a really long time,so here's a poem.

Peace Taker
Your words touch deep  but they rob my peace
deep melancholy they evoke    your words truly bespoke
they cast a spell on me   grill me
slow and for long on flame   but I will reclaim
my sleep   my peace
just have to gain control   stop these ripples from affecting me more
almost impossible though   getting over you is to throw
away all my emotions   undergo a transformation
if you stop your smooth talk maybe   I will be able to break free
your words I'll put in deep freeze   maybe then peace will visit
but I'm unsure of the fact   if the fabric of my mind will remain intact
now that you've ripped open my mind   and a place you did find
to stay forever   leave you never
then haunt me in my dreams   peace a stranger to me till you cease
so stop being a tease   and return to me my peace
my peace is dear   but bliss is when you are here
in my mind in my dreams  if I have you no need peace
will chuck peace for you   oh don't tell me you already knew
my Peacetaker you
-Seema Tabassum(me)

Here is a link to another poem I had written for Taher.Hope you find the time to read.Tears Of Joy

©Seema Tabassum 2015
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Date Four : Friday 21st August 2015 #lovepoem

Fourth date,yes,but no date because Friday is super busy,should be for a Muslim,Fridays only for gaining Allah's mercy,Friday late afternoon till night is reserved for my mother dearest so Friday was a no date day.
Friday is very special to Muslims,it's sacred,so we obviously got married on a Friday only it was 14th February,I know,we thought it would be nice to get married on Valentine's day,but that remains the biggest regret,I was still learning Islam so wasn't really aware of how I marred the sanctity of our marriage by choosing a frivolous date.But I guess when you are young you don't think much.
But we kind of made up for the blunder of the date by keeping our ceremony really low on wastage,our wedding was the humblest ever,exactly according to how it should be in Islam,unlike the big Indian weddings which we see here in India,such pomp,grandeur,wastage these weddings have come to symbolise,so much against the teachings of Islam and yes I'm talking about Muslim weddings too.In the crazy amount of money that is spent in these celebrations in which only the people who eat well everyday are invited,a hundred poor people can be fed for a week atleast,if not for a month,I am very adamant that Abbu have a wedding as simple as our's without music,grand dias or elaborate delicacies.

May Allah bless my kid brother,his wedding too was perfect according to Islam,as humble as mine.I respect him lots for that,such a simpleton he is,everyday I thank Allah that he gave me a brother who thinks like me and is virtuous and religious,kind,generous and always puts others first and is friendly with everybody,here I lack some,I always have been the kind to put myself first but I learn humbly through my sweethearts,my husband and my brother,ofcourse from my Mom too.Unfortunately Abbu is always with me and is picking up this putting myself first trait rather well,somedays I hate that and somedays it looks perfect because of the kind of world we are living in,but I too am very kind,sensitive towards others' feelings,thoughtful,never say a harsh word unless I am provoked by stupidity I see in people here....I drifted from the topic again,as always,sorry.

Now you already know I was the one who pursued Taher,I had to,I couldn't stand losing a gem and now in hindsight I did perfect I say.So here is a little poem asking Taher to indulge me.

Indulge Me

I look for excuses
excuses to talk
I take a stroll
where I know you'll come for a walk
I wait and I sigh
if only I could get by
without having to look
without being on a hook
but I am helpless
the situation is ruthless
your name's stuck in my throat
stunting my mental growth
cannot utter
cannot live with stutter
so I think I might take a chance
ask you if you will indulge me with some romance
 -Seema Tabassum(me)

Here is a link to another poem I wrote on our wedding anniversary this year,please do read if you can make time.Thank you.

©Seema Tabassum 2015
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Friday, August 21, 2015

Day Three : Thursday 20th August 2015 #micropoetry


Already date three,since we get time only in the mornings,we don't have many choices,we went on a coffee date again,yes,but I am loving this,shows how hard it is to make time,our schedules are a mess because of these dates,life is so complicated and closely woven that it is impossible to move from the norm without tearing a little part of it's hem I'd say.To show we care needs effort,make an effort we should to show we care,just presuming,taking for granted and waiting for the other to make the move is stupid.
Making the first move,I always do,maybe because I am impatient,and if you have someone as marvellous as Taher at stake you don't risk that,looked bad maybe but I couldn't stand to wait another day.Our story started over the phone,I had a friend who worked with me in a place far from Tokyo and he was friends with Taher too,every now and then he'd go to visit Taher who lived in Tokyo,he didn't have a mobile so he left me with a number to call in case of emergencies and that number happened to be Taher's.
One day I needed to speak with my friend and I called on Taher's number.It was Taher who answered and he spoke like he does,in his beautiful voice,true gentleman,soft spoken and kind,didn't take me long to fall hard but luckily he found my voice and me good too,we had to meet,ofcourse I asked him to,he did and fell I did deeper into the hole that is love because his looks just knocked me out,floored me and whatever, luckily Taher liked how I looked too,tells me till date that I never have looked more beautiful that I did that day....more on our story later....
I am leaving a link of a poem I wrote earlier,pretty much about voice and smooth talking.Hope you find the time to read and hope you like it.

©Seema Tabassum
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Date Two : Wednesday 19th August 2015 #micropoetry

I told you yesterday about Taher's b'day next week,he turns forty hence my little attempt at making it special for him.We don't celebrate birthdays or throw a party on that day or cut a cake,because it is unIslamic but I can write,right? Whenever we feel like eating cake we buy one and eat it and make it as if we are celebrating someone's b'day.Weird?? maybe from where you stand but to us it makes perfect sense...heehee
So,yes we went on a date today too didn't have much time so had South Indian coffee and dosa at a place where we used to visit as kids too,he with his Dad,me with mine.Now that brings amazement everytime I think,we both met in Japan,oceans apart from home but we are from the same city,isn't it miraculous,I find it so.I could have met anybody,from another country maybe or another city from India but I met Taher who not only is from the same city as me but also his paternal side and my maternal side are distant relatives,really distant though.I'm going to treat this as a miracle regardless of what you think...heehee
Okay more on our story later,another fascinating thing about us is we communicate telepathically,no lies,when i'm craving for icecream he'll bring or when i'm about to call him,he does, innumerable things in a day,so much so that I get disappointed when we fail to connect,somedays he'll come home and I'll wonder why he didn't bring the thing I wanted and when I ask him he reminds me that he didn't get any call from me asking him to bring anything,so I should not expect but rather call,I know I should but I trust he'll automatically know :)
That is that,I feel and always say and believe that if Taher ever leaves he'll take all the colours with him,he will,but I hope not to see a day without him.I wrote a poem for him last year called 'Colours Of My Life' the link is as follows,hope you find the time to read,it has many pictures of Taher,so you'll know why I am crazy about him. Thank You.

©Seema Tabassum 2015
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Date One: Tuesday 18th August 2015

Next Tuesday,is my hubby's birthday,he'll turn 40!!! cannot believe that cause he doesn't look 40 from any angle(smiles).
It's unbelievable now,when we first met he was only 26 and we were like teenagers,crazy in love,we both quit our jobs to be able to meet everyday and in Japan that means disaster,well he quit and I was fired for not showing up at work for weeks at end.....more on our story I thought I'll make this special for him and have planned dates for us this whole week,we have to make time,hopefully we do.
Today was movie date,Taher(hubby) and Abbu(son) had already seen this on the day it released here,I couldn't go then so poor Taher had to watch it twice :) the movie was 'Mission Impossible -Rogue Nation' I love action movies plus Mission Impossible inspires me,who doesn't like one.Loved the movie,date without Abbu's constant chatter was great for a change.This week I am going to put up some old posts of mine, poems I wrote for Taher earlier.So please bear with me,ofcourse I'll put up new ones too.I am going to log/document this week,for Abbu to read later.So date it was and that date reminds me of this poem 'Over The Years'.
The link is 
Hope you find the time to read.Thank you.

©Seema Tabassum
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday-not my quote day,August 16th perspective

"Man proposes,God disposes" -Thomas a Kempis

So that makes us driftwood I guess.Aren't we all driftwood,helpless,go with the flow,shaped by the events in our life.
Yes,we are driftwood,as much as we'd like to think.we are in control,we have no choice but to go with the flow,that's life,the reality,we are just driftwood,floating away,carried by the current,so why fight and get bogged down because nothing's even everlasting,not worth fighting,so just drift away you,you'll eventually reach where you were meant to,all plans,schedules,routines will come to a grinding halt and all too sudden too,so that all the more makes clear that we are driftwood,we go where we are thrown, a way it's relieving to think that,believe that.At the end of the day I guess we need to work on things and leave the outcome to God,balance does help though or is key I think.Spend a little,save a little of your time,money,energy.Have a beautiful Sunday.

©Seema Tabassum 2015
© 2015
All content and images copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Happy Independence Day India (a poem)

India my country  everything grand
blessed with natural resources abundant
tallest mountains as guards at the frontier stand
stretching forever coastlines of beautiful sand
rich heritage  richer culture  beautiful our various forms of music and dance
India   my country  my land
all grand
all grand
all grand
just one question
to you my fellow countrymen
when will we become worthy of this glorious nation

-Seema Tabassum(me)

© 2015

picture is my Abbu's sketch edited by me by using some apps

Unless otherwise stated all content on are intellectual property belonging to Seema Tabassum.Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's owner is strictly prohibited.Excerpts and links maybe used,provided that full and clear credit is given to Seema Tabassum and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.Thank you.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fragile, Not My Style (a poem)

Fragile I am not
delicate I cannot
break I will not
bend I shall not
me always the real deal
too tough to be handled
hot blood in my veins
cannot be bound in chains
cannot be trained
cannot lay on me reins
toughened by time and circumstances
no more I give life chances
cannot be breached these walls I built
towards nothing does my mind tilt
headstrong and rough
I am way too tough
I   the epitome of strength
all kinds of strength immense
fragile    not my style
delicate   not by a mile

-Seema Tabassum(me)

© 2015

Picture courtesy:

Unless otherwise stated all content on are intellectual property belonging to Seema Tabassum.Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's owner is strictly prohibited.Excerpts and links maybe used,provided that full and clear credit is given to Seema Tabassum and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.Thank you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Did It ? (a poem)

My bad (as always)   my delusion
but bothers me often
this troubling question
as to which makes more contribution
to the crazy situation
to the exaggeration
the never ending desperation
to reach out and touch the dazzling illumination
to the deviation
from sanity   now which gets the attribution

the heart that beats for the unreachable
or the mind that dreams of the impossible

or is it probable
that this just might have grapped the unattainable
Your Attention   that is
Did it ?
(if you read it
then it did) (*_*)

-Seema Tabassum(me)

© 2015

Picture courtesy: (edited by me)

The big question,    which makes us do crazy things or makes us assume we can do certain things or makes us think real which is not fact,which makes us delusional...the heart or the mind,which plays tricks on poor us?

Unless otherwise stated all content on are intellectual property belonging to Seema Tabassum.Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's owner is strictly prohibited.Excerpts and links maybe used,provided that full and clear credit is given to Seema Tabassum and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.Thank you.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

After Much Pondering (a poem)

They say a heart knows another heart
I think the heart knows not
it only can feel
but has no means to distinct
the truth from the unreal
ends up broken in this ordeal
it is the mind that plays tricks
is amused at how the heart is pricked
eventually the heart is the one that's at loss
and almost always the mind gets an ego boost by showing who's boss

©Seema Tabassum(me)

© 2015


Unless otherwise stated all content on are intellectual property belonging to Seema Tabassum.Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's owner is strictly prohibited.Excerpts and links maybe used,provided that full and clear credit is given to Seema Tabassum and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.Thank you.

Monday, August 3, 2015

When He Wakes Up (a poem)

While oceans apart he sleeps
oblivious to my suffering in slumber deep
here within me emptiness seeps
and rivers of blood I weep
if dense rivers these
cross oceans and reach
the one whose heart I seek
slip in   moisten his fingertips
spread the moist to his heart   drip
fill it with love for me like magic

the following morning when at dawn the birds sing

I'll be hoping a miracle with it the sun brings
from his oblivious state this time when he wakes up
Oh Lord,please let him wake up to my love

-Seema Tabassum(me)

© 2015

Picture courtesy:

Just another poem,I read many in a day,they inspire me and every minute a new idea in my head.

Unless otherwise stated all content on are intellectual property belonging to Seema Tabassum.Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's owner is strictly prohibited.Excerpts and links maybe used,provided that full and clear credit is given to Seema Tabassum and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.Thank you.