Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Date Five : Saturday 22nd August 2015 #lovepoem

Fifth date,Saturday Abbu is home so we three headed out for snack,since it was only 11 a.m,Taher has time only till noon or if stretched till 1p.m so all our dates,always are early morning dates,somedays we drop Abbu at school and have breakfast some place,and head back home.As for what we eat,not much choice nowadays,we have stopped eating at any international fast-food chain,we used to occasionally have a burger or pizza,but MacDonald's,KFC,Pizza Hut and Domino's we never visit now because it has come to light that these chains don't necessarily serve Halal food.So we are left with our good old Indian fare.Saturday we had 'dabeli' Indian vegetarian burger.It has potato in it,quite good,we like.
In Japan Taher and I used to have lunch at an Italian restaurant named 'Rubicone' and the lasagna the husband-wife duo served was other-worldly.The other day I was telling you how we quit work when we met,now I'll tell you why.
We met the first time and Tokyo was far from where I lived,had to wait till the weekend to meet again,now the second time we roamed the streets of Shinjuku all night,then the first train back home halted at the platform,I didn't want to go back home,away from Taher,so he offered to come with me on the ride for company,said he'll see me off at my station/destination.Those three hours we spent were not enough too,then finally when it was time for me to get down I offered to give Taher company on his ride to Tokyo and I am not bluffing or exagerrating,we spent that Sunday on the train,back and forth from my town to Tokyo from Tokyo to my town,in circles,like crazy and finally the last train dropped us off at a station in Tokyo,the next morning the same thing continued and we were spending all our time on trains,we'd make a point to have lunch at this place I mentioned above,it was my favourite place in my town,Taher fell in love with the food too and we had lunch there everyday,the owners of that restaurant became good friends with us,I called them even after I returned to India.So,I was saying that we used to get down at the station,head to this place almost fifteen minutes of walking through wheat fields,and this was October so not very cold yet,perfect it was,the train rides,the walks,the food,the weather,now when I recall it feels like a dream,we did this crazy thing till we both ran out of money,Taher had quit work to be with me,I was fired for not showing up at work for weeks now and the savings we had,frankly I had very little,were all finished and we were jolted back to reality,a harsh one though.So isn't that crazy,we were crazy,crazy in love.
Sometimes I wonder if I remember right ,if it's my mind's fabrication but Taher reassures me that it's not,if someone told me this story about their life I'd never believe because it is hard to believe that we could be so mesmerised,spell bound by each other,but it's true,that craziness is not super crazy anymore but it shows up from time to time especially flares up when the moon is full...heehee...more later..
Taher was very much my Peace Taker,I didn't know peace till after a really long time,so here's a poem.

Peace Taker
Your words touch deep  but they rob my peace
deep melancholy they evoke    your words truly bespoke
they cast a spell on me   grill me
slow and for long on flame   but I will reclaim
my sleep   my peace
just have to gain control   stop these ripples from affecting me more
almost impossible though   getting over you is to throw
away all my emotions   undergo a transformation
if you stop your smooth talk maybe   I will be able to break free
your words I'll put in deep freeze   maybe then peace will visit
but I'm unsure of the fact   if the fabric of my mind will remain intact
now that you've ripped open my mind   and a place you did find
to stay forever   leave you never
then haunt me in my dreams   peace a stranger to me till you cease
so stop being a tease   and return to me my peace
my peace is dear   but bliss is when you are here
in my mind in my dreams  if I have you no need peace
will chuck peace for you   oh don't tell me you already knew
my Peacetaker you
-Seema Tabassum(me)

Here is a link to another poem I had written for Taher.Hope you find the time to read.Tears Of Joy http://tab1525.blogspot.in/2014/10/tears-of-joy-poem.html

©Seema Tabassum 2015
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