Monday, August 18, 2014

Distance lends enchantment to the view


There are times in everybody's lives when we wonder if we'll ever get out of a whirlpool of situations,circumstances that are threatening to drown our spirits. 
                About a couple of months ago I saw a documentary on Discovery Channel on how to get out of a whirlpool safely,without drowning.The trick is to not fight the current but conserve energy which we'll need later to swim to the shore,we simply are suppossed to go with the flow,the whirlpool will suck us in and throw us right out where it ends and we survive it. (yes,that's what they showed,i'm sure,but,in case,i'm wrong please let me know,i'll change the text,thank you).Likewise, in life too we need to go with the flow and i know it's easier said than done and only we,ourselves,can really know what circumstances we are going through.
                   But,I firmly believe things always workout for one's good,later on in life we will see that what's troubling us now was only adding to the experience of life,it's something like how when we are in the city,in the midst of it,we see dirt,garbage,crowd,commotion,traffic,but when we move a little away from the city,from all the noise,or say climb a nearby hill,then from the distance,the city,it's view,it's skyline looks magnificent.

The distance lends enchantment to the view.I tell myself that similarly when we are ahead in our lives from NOW or past our difficult times we realise how beautiful our journey was and how these troubled times add up to the colours that constitute our lives,these difficult times,we realise were a minute part of the journey,adding more beauty,character to the journey that is life,these very, hard times teach us the most valuable lessons,lessons which we needed to know, mostly,to cherish the good things,the good times.

* I'm no expert(lifecoach,motivational speaker or whatever)but i've seen enough so i thought I'll let you know about how I deal with stuff,this is just my take on dealing with testing times.
*   The pictures(though not outstanding)are my own,please do not use without asking me,thank you.