If I say goodbye
will you have kind words for me
If I say goodbye
do you of me have any special memories
If I say goodbye
will you miss me ever
If I say goodbye
will you in your heart hold me dear
If I say goodbye
will you inside weep
If I say goodbye
will you come seek
If I say goodbye
without the warmth of my words will you feel cold
If I say goodbye
will you in your deepest heart wish I don't
I don't know about you but if I say goodbye
for me the moon the stars and the sun will lose all glory
If I say goodbye
my days and nights will be forever wrapped in deepest melancholy
If I to you my beloved say goodbye
something tender will break beyond repair inside
the heartache will never subside
it's inevitable that a part of me will forever die
-Seema Tabassum(me)
©tab1525.blogspot.com 2015
Picture courtesy:pixabay.com
Picture courtesy:pixabay.com
Just something I wonder about,I know of one 'goodbye' that has cast a shadow on my life forever,my Dad's....so yes 'goodbyes' do break us on the inside.
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