Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday-not my quote day,September 13th perspective

"Never give your enemies the importance of your thoughts"
     -My Daddy  (I have searched the internet for this quote but couldn't find anything,so I think it is safe to say that it is my father's,if you do come across this please let me know,thank you).

This week I am dedicating to my Daddy whose 21st Death Anniversary falls on the 17th of this month.Time flies but doesn't have the power to fade everything,somethings stay forever.
I always have believed in the line above because it was ingrained in me since I was little,I heard my Daddy say this everytime I had a complaint about somebody.His words always stay and I really do feel like it's a privilege that we give space to somebody in our mind,heart,here thoughts,so why not give that space to someone worthy,someone who deserves to stay in our thoughts.If ever I have this anger building up I write and get rid of it and laugh over what I wrote and I forget,writing always helps me get over things,maybe cooking works for you,I find washing vessels(dishes) very therapeutic,as the dirt gets rinsed off of the vessels my mind's unease keeps getting rinsed too,so I think we should find something that takes away the anger,the hurt.When you know that thinking about them is infact giving them importance you should be able to not do so,don't let anybody rule your life,don't let hate be what drives you,let your love for whatever you like to do be the driving force.
I am funny in many ways,someone can never say anything to me that will make me think I have to prove I can do a certain thing,I do only and only if I am upto it,my Mom calls me shameless and thick skinned for not letting myself get motivated to prove people,but in my head I think no one deserves that high place where I think that I should prove myself to them,they are welcome to think anything of me,I don't care.It is funny that Abbu is turning into this super cool dude where nothing affects him and I see and worry about what words to use to motivate him,now I perfectly understand my mother's problem with my attitude.But nothing much can be done in my case,maybe Abbu stil has some chance to change.
So to conclude I'd like to say that please do not let anybody in your heart who doesn't love you,do not let anybody in your mind who has spite for you,do not let anger/jealousy get to you,weaken you,make you feel incompetent,be the smooth stone from over which everything slides/slips,do not give those who hate you the place they don't deserve.Live free.

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