"What is most of our boasted so called knowledge but a conceit that we know something which robs us of the advantage of our actual ignorance" -Henry David Thoreau
Now today is Sunday,that means it is time for 'Sunday-not my quote day'. Today's quote is a prompt by my blogger friend Sum James whose blog http://butterflykisseswatermeonwishes.wordpress.com is beautiful and filled with wisdom and outstanding poetry.Please do take a look.
Now this quote is important to me atleast,and in this age when we need to know all and keep ourselves updated,we tend to fill our minds with all the information possible but we really lack in where we ought to.When we think we know much we tend to shut ourselves up to the actual knowledge of the fact that we are ignorant in a lot of ways.Ignorance I find better than thinking that we know it all.My grandfather used to say that life is lessons everyday and I truly believe that,but this conceit really takes away that sincerity from us,they say ignorance is bliss indeed it is,cause only then we know that we need to learn,we need to grow.I read a lot of poems everyday and each one of those contributes in it's own way,providing me a new perspective,new vocabulary,new scene,new thought process,each helps me grow and had I not known how ignorant I was before reading one I would never have learnt.
To sum it up I'd like to say,wipe the slate clean everyday,wake up with a new zeal to learn and see how the world becomes exciting and everyday a light eradicating a little darkness from the next,one day at a time,each day adding more knowledge and wisdom.Hoping to keep this in mind always and hoping I made sense.Thank you Sum for this thought provoking prompt.I hope I did this some justice atleast.God bless.
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